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Scottish American Society of South Florida Logo

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Festival & Committee Volunteers needed


 We need your help!  We depend on volunteers to perform a number of critical functions at the Festival, including: help setup the Festival site, oversee and/or staff our various activity stations, sell programs, guide parking, and help provide a safe, friendly, and enjoyable environment for all Festival attendees. 

If you or someone you know is required to perform community service hours to get credits for school or some other required purpose, volunteering for our Festival and/or Society may qualify. 

Volunteers Are Needed In the Following Areas:

Friday Set Up

Front Gate

Membership Sign Up

Program Sales and Raffle

Festival Sales

Thrifty Scot Sales

Children's Games

Festival Take Down on Sunday

If you need help signing up, try these simple steps:

1. Click on the area you would like to volunteer in from the list above.

2. This signup window will popup:

3. Click on the "sign up" button next to the activity and time you want to volunteer for.

4. Once you have made your choice, be sure to click on the save & continue button at the bottom of the page.

5. This will open the next page which will ask you to fill in your contact information (name, etc.) and to confirm your choice.

6. When you are finished with step 5, be sure to click on the "Sign Up Now" button at the bottom of the page.  Your registration is now complete!


If you have questions or would like to discuss participating on any of the Festival Planning Committees or volunteer opportunities listed below, please get in touch with Nigel MacDonald, volunteer coordinator. 

Here are some other areas that could us your help!  Please contact Nigel at if you can help in any of these areas:


  • Athletics
  • Burn’s Supper
  • Clans & Societies
  • Entertainers
  • Games Ceilidh
  • Back Gate
  • Online Ticketing
  • Grounds [incl. Parking, Police/EMT]
  • Hotel  & Hospitality
  • Piping & Drumming
  • Photography
  • Program Advertising
  • Program Design/Layout
  • Marketing
  • Sponsorships [Corporate ]
  • Sponsorships [Individual]
  • Scholarships
  • Scottish Country Dancing
  • Vendors [ Merchandise  ; Food ]

It is only with the help of people just like you that we are able to continue to bring quality cultural events like the Southeast Florida Scottish Festival and Highland Games. If funds permit we provide scholarships for university and college education or schools that provide Scottish related music or dance courses.

The Scottish American Society Of South Florida, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the furtherance of Scottish culture through Scottish dance, music and art. We hold several events throughout the year including the Southeast Florida Scottish Festival and Games. There are no paid employees and the Board of Directors are elected volunteers.

Copyright © 2025 Scottish American Society of South Florida, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

PO Box 16441
Plantation, FL 33318



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