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Piping & drumming And pipe bands

2025 Festival on March 1st!

Festival Day Entry Forms for Contestants:

Piping and Drumming 

Pipe Bands

For those interested in watching the individual pipers and drummers compete, be sure to arrive as soon as the gates open at 9 am because the individual competitors start early.

As the pipe bands compete in the band competition area you will notice a few people standing around the band circle. These are certified judges or apprentice judges who are being supervised by a certified judge. Bands are classified by their playing ability and winning record. They will compete against other bands in their class. As the competition season progresses points are awarded based upon the bands standing at each sanctioned competition that the band has competed. At the end of the season the points for each competing band are compared and the band with the highest points are declared season champions in their class. 

There are several Bands in the South Florida area. If you are interested in learning to be a pipe band piper or drummer,  most of the bands will welcome you and some have a student level program.

Interested in Learning the Bagpipes or Scottish Drum?

Our local pipebands welcome beginners to their weekly practice sessions and provide instruction.

St. Andrew's Bagpipe Band of Miami meets on Thursdays from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Crossbridge Church, Miami Springs, 301 Westward Drive. Pipers and Drummers of any level are welcome.

If you're interested in learning to play the Bagpipes or Scottish Drums, free lessons are provided between 6:30pm and 7.30pm at St. Andrew's band practice.

For more information on how to join the Band, learn to play, or march in the color guard contact Pipe Major Jason Wright (786) 210-6388 or Band Manager Nigel MacDonald at (786) 205-5350 or (954) 476-5559.

The Fort Lauderdale Highlanders Pipeband welcomes those having a personal interest and those with a desire to express their talents in a group environment. Instruments used in the band currently consist of the Great Highland Bagpipe, the Bass drum, Tenor drum and Snare drum.

The Band practices on Thursday nights at the Plantation Presbyterian Church 901 NW 70th Ave, Plantation, FL 33317. From 6:00-7:00: individual piping/chanter instruction and pipe tuning ; 7:00-8:00: drum pad instruction and band chanter practice.

Please contact Pipe Major Bill McFarlane for more details (954-471-2540).

The Fraternal Order of Police, District Five, Police Pipe & Drum Corps of Florida, was founded  in 1990.  The Band and Color Guard is presently comprised of 51 serving and retired police officers, fire fighters and civilians, all volunteers.  

New applicants for the Band and Color Guard are welcome and all training is provided.  The Band practices on Monday evenings from 7-9 pm.  Instruction for beginners takes place from 6:30-7 pm.   For more information please contact Bandmaster David Campbell

Palm Beach Pipes and Drums was formed in 1980, as an organization dedicated to the playing of the bagpipe music and to perpetuate the continuance of Scottish heritage and culture.  Its members are composed of those individuals who seek to form a fellowship that shares this common interest and to become more proficient in the playing of Scottish pipes & drums.

The Band is always looking to recruit new members and new students, for both the Pipes and Drums. The band wears a traditional military style uniform, featuring the Red MacPherson tartan, and has always been known for looking very smart in any of our uniform combinations. Information for Pipe Major Allan Baird, Band practice location and times are all located on our website

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PO Box 16441
Plantation, FL 33318



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